Tuesday, March 31, 2009

We're the Only Ones Going to the Dogs Enough

The apparent police vendetta against dogs continues. This time, officers in Buffalo, New York, stormed into a home during the course of a search for drugs, gunned the dogs down in front of the family, and then left without making any arrests. [More]

What does Cesar Millan call "Only One" behavior like this? "Red Zone aggressiveness"?

What will it take to return them to a "calm submissive state"?


triptyx said...

Calm assertiveness, to wit: showing these jackholes that we're in charge and we're not going to accept that kind of behavior any more. Period.

Too bad, much like people with out of control dogs, the people in this nation would rather the dogs lead them than the other way around.

III and a Packleader (thanks Cesar)

MamaLiberty said...

Would any of us feel better about this insane behavior if they did make "arrests?"

I wouldn't.

Most of the arrests they do make are the "mala prohibita" sort anyway - and so totally bogus.

Besides, we know they can conjure up "evidence" any time they want to. These stories merely demonstrate that they don't feel the need to even bother with that anymore to break things and kill people (or their pets).

jon said...

somebody ought to wrap an aibo in fur and dynamite and program it to run up to vehicles with flashing lights on top.

straightarrow said...

Hence the reason people cheered the deaths of the four Oakland cops. Like it or not, there is no escaping that the average American citizen believes cops have declared themselves his enemy. An enemy with virtual immunity from misdeeds.

The cops had better start taking better temperature readings of their communities before the fire breaks out. There are not nearly enough of them to survive if the fire does break out. Always before little groups would resist and fight back and the news media would help paint them as abberrant, and some truly were, and the majority didn't care what happened to them.

In their arrogance and immunity the policing forces of the nation have taken to abusing everyone. It's going to be a much harder sell that all 300 million of us deserve it. God help them if they manage to awaken those not yet familiar with the problem.

All these dog-killers will run and hide, burn their uniforms, bury their badges, and it still won't be enough to save them if they push past the point of not being allowed to cross back over the line they have transgressed.

Kent McManigal said...

Death would do it.

You know, it is time for the "Oath Keepers" to step up and start arresting the "Oath Breakers" who share their cars, homes, precincts, and donut shops. THEN I will believe them. Til then I am not trusting that they won't try to steal my guns if ordered to do so by this kind of vermin.

straightarrow said...

me too, kent.