Wednesday, March 25, 2009

We're the Only Ones "Say Cheese!" Enough

Two years ago, a Pennsylvania man was thrown in jail for 160 days for refusing to allow police to take his picture. [More]
And what happens if a lowly citizen tries to make it a two-way street and photograph an "Only One"?

Yeah. That's what I thought.

[Via Avg Joe and Jeffersonian]


jon said...

an air-cooled what? and doesn't that sound familiar? it does, doesn't it? an "Armalite AR-180, carbine, gas-powered semi-automatic, weapon."

Anonymous said...

Some flash-producing equipment is more useful than others.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of cheese... won't be long before the Powers find out that "partisan" -- par-ti-ZAN -- isnt a kind of cheese.

Anonymous said...

"We're very pleased," Dye said, "that officers will now be able to do their job in a constitutionally correct way."

So, that wasn't an option before? Were they forced to ignore the constitution? Gee, that sounds like Chicago, or for that matter, the entire state of Illinois.