Monday, March 30, 2009

What Would be Enough?

"Just saying 'Joe Blow' is a drug dealer is not enough"... [More]

How about saying he has guns?

Maybe find out who some of the snitches are and anonymously call it in--let McWilliam and Hoy take care of the rat through the expected overreaction...

[Via Avg Joe]

1 comment:

Defender said...

It was enough to get the narco squad sawing through burglar bars on the windows of an Atlanta woman's basement and shooting her dead when she came armed to repel home invaders. Oops. Wrong house. Wrong person. I'm sure an apology was issued to the next of kin on official city letterhead. Or maybe not. You don't send apologies to collateral damage you cause in a war, and this is war in our streets and homes: drug dealer against dealer, and the government against everyone.
Well, looks like decriminalization isn't going to happen. They've chosen the other road: deconstitutionalization.
I can see it: A citizen reports a suspicious person in the neighborhood. The person saw him looking out his window with a distasteful expression and drops dime on the citizen's home address. Crash!
Better than having dumb people self-medicate, right?