Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Beyond Imagination

Daley couldn't imagine anyone wanting to hurt him. [More]
Rep. Sam Crump doesn't want us to talk about this in plain terms. I disagree.

We can't be so fearful of appearing like apologists that we're afraid to discuss this. It's a dialog that is long overdue. We can have it and come to an understanding of realities, or we can turn our faces away and act shocked and helpless when things don't improve--and perhaps pass more laws in response that squeeze even tighter.

You're in a position to take this "war on words," Rep. Crump, and turn it into a discussion. True, you'll no doubt be shouted down and decried, but at least you'll have a clear conscience that you tried to speak the truth.

Providing that truth includes the term "economic fascism."

[Via ranamacar]


Joel said...

It truly is beyond imagination. He used his own vehicle? And spoke to the cops afterward? Show a little sense, people!

jon said...

"Doug Georgianni was performing his job," he said. "Doug was performing a job in an effort to make the freeways safer for the public," he said.

doug georgianni's betters should have probably asked themselves whether or not doug's job actually does that. seems to me that doug's job got doug killed, and doug belongs to the public. right?

and it seems to me that every dollar doug's job cost someone else, someone who wasn't victimizing anybody whatsoever, is one less dollar to spend on ammo, food and shelter, which makes them less safe, and they belong to the public. right?

Anonymous said...

"Just following orders", the Nuremberg defense. Why should anyone doing his job, collaborating, or just being a useful idiot be held accountable?

straightarrow said...

I can't say I approve of his murder, but I can understand the anger that precipitated it.

Gregg said...

Doug is not a public employee. He works for a private company that gets a cut of the fines. In essence he was a tax collector working for a private firm contracted to an organ of the state.

Sean said...

I'm all choked up. I guess when you sock it to people hard and long enough, somethings' got to give. Of course these electronic facists and their enablers haven't a clue that anything is BASICALLY wrong, other than people are a tad irritated of being unwilling participants in highway robbery. I don't condone murder, but I ain't much for theft either. And if They steal from us on a regular basis, what's to slow them down from murdering US? What? They already do? Never mind.

Defender said...

Remember the police in Phoenix seizing the computer of a man with a website criticizing the heavy-handedness of the Phoenix police.
Remember the minister being beaten and Tasered for refusing to allow the Border Patrol to search his truck without cause or warrant near Yuma.
I don't think it's about speeding fines and enforcement.

Plug Nickel Outfit said...

I was very surprised to hear of this yesterday - and it hits somewhat close to home. I left the Phoenix area almost 10 years ago - but had traveled up there this last weekend on business. I spent many years working in a similar industry (western entertainment and tourism) as Mr. Destories and knew of him and his company. I never knew the man well and haven't spoken to him for a decade or more.

In the business Mr. Destories is in - jeep tours - recreational shooting with period western firearms is often a part of the product. Along with a tour of the desert at the outskirts of the city a session of shooting (usually with .22 single action revolvers) is part of the package if the client wants this. I've seen this done hundreds of times and all the operators who do this follow common sense guidelines and instruct the tourists in proper handling and safety.

I do know that most people in the industry carry firearms - and many of them choose to get a Concealed Carry Permit simply to avoid problems with LE.

I'm finding the story as it's been presented so far to be puzzling. Perhaps he didn't know someone was in the vehicle?

During my own driving around the metro Phoenix area last weekend I did see at least a dozen photo enforcement cameras over a couple hundred miles of streets and highways there - so one could say they're prolific.

One small detail that caught my ear during a news report on this said that his vehicle did not trigger the speed camera - but they nonetheless had footage of his vehicle. So - for the folks who say those cameras only 'catch' you when you're speeding - that apparently isn't so.

Smile for those cameras!

Anonymous said...

Murder is wrong.
Like the man above said.
But what happens when you are robbed by the state?
If you refuse to pay, you are kidnapped.
If you resist kidnapping you are murdered.
Liberals are not capable of understanding principle, and history is a hard school master.
This lesson will be lost on them, but surely there while be more lessons to come.

Henry said...

I've told the various agents of the State for some time now that if they insist on acting like an occupying army, don't be surprised when the people start treating them as such. Look for more of this in the future as the economy deteriorates and the State steps up its enforcement.