Thursday, April 23, 2009

Don't forget the DDTC/ITAR Threat to Guns. You Knew About It, Right?

It's important that we know what's on the horizon, but it's critical we pay attention to what's here now. And I mentioned a third international danger in last Friday's column that's not getting much attention: The DDTC.

The DDTwhat?

It stands for Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, and the threat is masterfully summarized by Robin Taylor of the US Practical Shooting Association, who tells us "It's not about Trade, it's about Control." [More]
We've heard a lot recently about the threat of international treaties to the right to keep and bear arms. How many of you knew such mechanisms are already in place? Today's Gun Rights Examiner column tells us about them, and about how George Bush played a key role in ensuring a negative outcome.

Also access a WorldNetDaily article that gives Kurt Hofmann and yours truly some ink...uh...electrons, read the latest from my fellow GREs, and learn how you can become an illegal international arms trafficker. You're just a few mouse clicks away!

Tell a friend?


Defender said...

They want to do this at the same time they are profiting from the collapse of the global economy and us peasants know it and blame them, and while our national suicide rate is rising scarily from lost jobs and the lost feeling of human value that went with those jobs, because of our surviving American work ethic, and while VERBAL dissent and attending peaceful rallies makes one an extremist? And while the president of Iran is re-upping his promise to nuke Israel and maybe some of its allies (there's no one but us), and BECAUSE of leftover war weapons from Central and South America being used by entrepreneurial criminals to eliminate hostile GOVERNMENT authorites in Mexico?
Sleeping giant, terrible resolve...

Defender said...

Ironic. Elie Wiesel, Holocaust historian and Nazi-hunter, and Obama were in the Capitol rotunda today to observe the National Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust.

Anonymous said...

Why yes, yes I did (know about it)

In Liberty,