Saturday, April 18, 2009

An Unauthorized Journalist

Nice to see others noticing a concept I've been decrying for years. [More]

You know what would solve this?



straightarrow said...

I commented there. I didn't really address the incident so much as I did the commenters. Even those whose stance I agreed with seemed not to understand what the Hell they were talking about. First we have to educate these people, what the Hell was college for, if it left them so damn ignoranat? my comment:

In the first place the only difference between fascism and communism is in the ownership and management of the economic engine. In Communism the state owns all the facilities of production and therefore administers those facilities with political appointees. Because the managers seldom know anything at all except sycophancy communism fails miserably from the get go.

In fascism, a partnership or shared ownership, if you wish, takes place between the management of the facilities of production and the state. Wherein the state leaves management teams in place at the production facilities and reaps the benefits of their expertise in their relative fields. However, just as in communism, all goals and policies are dictated by the state and under the total control of the state. Except, that fascism does work. The trains can run on time, power generation can be done, production levels can be maintained and even improved, because the people who know how to make it happen are left in place to do what they know how, so long as they obey the state.

For the ordinary man, woman or child, there are no noticeable differences because both rob him/her of their liberty, their autonomy over their own lives and most often even those lives. Nothing gains as much contempt as a groveling subservient to the state,and both systems abuse them greatly.

Both are socialist systems, the administration of the total power is just done differently.

You people are supposed to be in college, or graduates of college. I sure couldn't tell it, from the level of ignorance in your comments.

You people are supposed to be Americans. I sure couldn't tell it in some of the comments by people who thought the police acted properly in this case.

Cowardice and ignorance are not traits I find attractive, but I couldn't just leave this alone. How weak is the case for USC, the cops, or their supporters when they dare not allow a free(?) citizen to be asked a question absent any threat or misbehavior?

I sincerely hope most of the commenters here are not wasting assets going to school.

Defender said...

The REAL journalists think the government will always be their friend as long as they are the government's friend.
By the time they realize it's not the way government works, it will be too late for ALL of us.
Uncle Walter Kronkite is a socialist. If I were in journalism, I would have to decline any award with his name attached. I think Couric was one of his disciples in agenda-driven journalism. The kind of journalism which is killing newspapers and the big three networks. Hey, they don't care. They are so close to accomplishing their goal, and it isn't informing the people.
As you were watching all the "Good Germans" do nothing to help this man who had done nothing, did you see the Dianne Feinstein look-alike to camera's left, smiling?
Did you notice that when officers are manhandling an innocent person, they really aren't thinking about weapon retention from anyone else?

Defender said...

I'll mention Vanessa Leggett again, unauthorized journalist of Texas. The prosecutor and judge had her jailed for not sharing her notes for a book on a convicted murderer. They said since she didn't work for a newspaper, magazine or TV, the First Amendment didn't protect her writings, notes, tapes or confidential sources. Read that sentence again.
She stayed in jail for a few months rather than surrender, I believe.
Anyone believe we're not "there"?

Defender said...

The email of the dean and chairman of the Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Southern California are not difficult to find at all.
I sent them a link to the video, in case they hadn't heard.
I'm sure they feel that order must be maintained. Order, of course, being defined by THEM.

Kent McManigal said...

So I suppose it will work if I claim "authority to enter federal property (sic) responsibly armed when acting in the normal, peaceful business of my everyday life regardless of whether I have 'good cause' to believe that a law has been enacted prohibiting such at the time of entry"? Or do the rules only work for them?

I know... "it's not the same thing...."