Monday, May 11, 2009

Well, Hell, That Sounds Reasonable...

The German government is planning to ban paintball and laser shooting games in reaction to the recent school massacre in which 15 people died. [More]
Nice to know their leaders have such a seasoned grasp of cause and effect...

[Via David R]


jon said...

"He said he counted bank managers, firefighters, police and even security guards from Merkel's chancellery among his regular customers."

yes, and, anedoctal evidence tends to note that professional submissive escorts in new york city have NYPD officers among their regular customers.


Defender said...

The thing about laser tag and paintball, and video games, is, there are other people shooting back at you. Real-life massacres tend to be rather one-sided.
One can walk through a crowded school and THINK about killing, and one can practice drawing and aiming with dry-firing at home. Putting the two together when there's no resistance, only running and cowering, isn't hard at all.
Murderers in Japan do pretty well with kitchen knives among the sheep. The armed sheepdogs usually get there late.
Resist. Resistance is not futile, it's essential.

straightarrow said...

Sounds like time for all Jews, Poles, Gypsies, homosexuals, intellectuals,physically and mentally impaired, and dissidents to flee Germany. And do it RIGHT now.

We've already seen the results of this line of thought in Germany.

Ned said...

I bet this guy drank milk as well.

Better ban that - better safe than sorry...

W W Woodward said...

"The new law is also expected to .... make it easier for police to carry out random controls at the homes of registered gun owners."

Random Controls??? at the HOMES of REGISTERED gun owners? What is the purpose of a random control visit from the police?

And, the world wonders why we resist the registration of guns and gun owners!

M. Derosier said...

Talk about your knee-jerk reactions. Typical euro-socialist pants-shitting hysteria.