Friday, May 29, 2009

We're the Only Ones Who Don't Think It's a Good Idea Enough

Mayor Ron Littlefield says despite what the state decides, permitted guns should not be allowed in City Parks. By City Code, guns are already banned from City Parks and that includes people with a gun carry permit...

"We just don't think it is a good idea. Parks are for playing and for fun. If anyone needs to be armed out there, it only needs to be those that are enforcing the law." Mayor Littlefield said. [More]
Maybe this is why it's appropriate to post so many "Only Ones" stories today.

Feel free to educate this ignorant elitist:


Defender said...

Chattanooga. Didn't one of those who enforce the law shove a Wal-Mart employee through a plate-glass window rather than show his receipt upon leaving? Something else involving out-of-control cops happened there soon after that. The mayor is concerned about the wrong people.
Many cities feel perfectly fine about breaking state exemption laws that protect gun owners from frivolous ordinances like this. Iiiiit's CONDITIONING. Permit, schmermit, Kermit.

straightarrow said...

Well then, I suppose this jackass would support each person doing as they please despite what the state or the city decides?

Didn't think so. He is still under the impression he controls the largest respository of arms with which to intimidate others. Let's pray he wises up before he is shown how wrong he is by an enraged populace. In fact, it would be a good idea to extend that prayer to every corner of the nation. The vent on the pressure cooker is becoming clogged with this crap. We all know what happens then, don't we?

W W Woodward said...

Okay, so assign an appropriate number of "only ones" to each city park 24/7 so they will be available to protect the folks from those who just don't give a damn about the law.

Oh. I forgot. The "only ones" aren't required to protect us.