Tuesday, May 26, 2009

When Single-Slice Pizza is Outlawed...

...only outlaws will have single-slice pizza. [More]

Good grief.

I'd suggest sending a "Hey, moron" email to D.C. Councilman Jim Graham, but figure any electorate ignorant enough to reward this control freak with power over their lives will be impervious to reason, so what would he care? But holy smokes, look at the staff a freakin' councilman has reporting to him. Talk about paring government to the bone!

As an aside, and I truly don't mean to alienate readers by stereotyping, but something about a grown man wearing a bow tie is kind'a Jimmy Olsen unsettling, if you ask me...

As another aside, I can't help but make a crack about "assault pepperoni" vs. "patrol pepperoni"...

[Via Anonymous]

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