Thursday, June 18, 2009

"No One Was Hurt"

"Grabs a loaded .40-caliber handgun and chases with the gun, shooting rounds either into the air or into the ground as they were chasing." [More]
Damn lucky no one was hurt.

And further anecdotal proof that a permit holder is no more qualified to carry a gun than I am.

So what's the point?

[Via Mama Liberty]


MamaLiberty said...

Another friend I shared this story with pointed out that since both the media and the cops lie so often, we have no real idea just what happened.

That said, it is of continuing concern to me that such stories - true or not - lend ammunition to the gun/people haters because they have no problem attributing such behavior to all private gun owners.

As an ambassador for self ownership, which includes self defense, it seems imperative to demonstrate and teach the highest moral and ethical behavior and reach out to teach those who don't seem to understand.

And no, the permit actually means very little - if anything in real terms.

Longbow said...

If the Gub'ment gave the man a permit then that means he's bona-fide.

If the man fired a warning shot, and he was state bona-fide, then it was the right thing to do!

The Only-Ones gave the man his permit, didn't they? They know better than you and me.

Who are you to think?

What, do you think yourself a peer? A citizen? A man?

Anonymous said...

"Fired into the ground or the air" means that he missed. Most trained officers miss with most of their fired rounds during a chase on foot.
During firearms training, the rule of thumb is that performance in real life situations will be one third of performance during training, even for "experts".