Monday, June 08, 2009

A Poor Way to Fight Gun Violence

It may surprise some, but I won't argue too hard against the mayors' assertion that criminals won't file off or replace imprinting parts, and won't stop to pick up spent casings. They could, but why should they? Since their guns are the "illegal" ones the mayors say they're against, that is, since they're almost certainly stolen/black market guns, it's not like lawful purchase records can be traced back to them.

And it's not like one violent sociopath will let this nonsense slow them down one bit. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner shows our old pals the Mayors Against (Your) Guns still trying to baffle everyone with BS.

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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And if you missed the weekend posts:

1 comment:

Defender said...

They're going to stop gun violence like the U.S. Surgeon Generals have stopped drug abuse. Two of them had adult children who were prosecuted for using AND dealing.
Hypocrisy will out. Too bad not enough people care when they see it. I always think of Marion Barry of Washington, D.C. As mayor, he was taped using crack with a prostitute. AFTER that, he was elected to city council and is still there. He doles the money to the right people, and they vote for him. That's how republics fall.
When will people realize that the mayors of MAIG know who the violent ones are? They NEED them to point to. They NEED them to kill cops so they can have elaborate public funerals at which they rail against guns.