Thursday, June 11, 2009

We're the Only Ones Not Full of Beans Enough

Polk County Sheriff's Department officials said Wednesday a shot intended to be non-lethal that was fired at a man during a standoff situation turned out to not be a beanbag round. [More]

Well, heck, if this could happen to a trained "Only One," imagine how dangerous it would be for you and me to be armed...

[Via Joe T]


Rova said...

"One in a million" right?

Anonymous said...

For a civilian, it would not be "one in a million" mistake, it would be a NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE CHARGE and a perp walk for the cameras. Dead is dead and the person who pulled the trigger is still responsible for his own actions even if this guy was "despondent" - he still did not deserve to die in the street at the hands of those who are above the law.

Anonymous said...

A "One In A Million" Mystery ...

What a bunch of goddamned freaking morons.

Good thing the guy wanted to commit suicide, glad they gave him a big hand.

MamaLiberty said...

It will soon (if not already) be far more dangerous to call for "help" than to deal with things yourself.

Personally, I'll take my chances with my own resources.

Dial 911 and die, indeed.

Longbow said...

Well, you have to admit, it must have been the right thing to do. The COPS are the professionals. They know how to handle situations like this. I mean, hell, the guy was crazy anyway, right? I mean he was a danger to himself and potentially a danger to the officers, and we all know that officer safety is paramount.

If the COPS shot the man then he was a bad guy who needed shooting. It was the COPS what dunnit, therefor it was the RIGHT thing to do.

You mere mortals should not go around questioning your betters.