Thursday, July 23, 2009

Are Those Against Nationwide Concealed Carry for States' Rights?

So if their laws work for gun control, states have rights. But if state laws work against gun control, federal bans are in order--from Chicago to Cheyenne. Just moderate the message in accordance with political needs. Supporters in the media will help cover tracks. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column shows so-called "states' rights" are "respected" only when they serve the purpose of infringing on individual liberty. It includes an NPR audio clip of Barack OBama endorsing a nationwide federal concealed carry ban, and shows how his record has been sanitized by the media over time for political advantage.

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1 comment:

Mack said...

Words like ...

"Massive Resistance"


"Jim Crow"

come to mind. Ironic. Your kind not welcome. Separate but equal.

What century is this?