Thursday, July 16, 2009

Gun Rights Examiners Take on Sotomayor

As you can see, we've been working hard to bring you information on where this nominee stands on your right to keep and bear arms, raising questions that will no doubt be put to her if she is confirmed to the Supreme Court. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column compiles the observations of my GRE colleagues on the Sonia Sotomayor nomination and hearings.

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1 comment:

Joe G. said...

Any freedom-loving American will get sick to their stomach when you see here balk and stutter when asked if people have an inherent right to self-defense. Crickets chirping followed by "fuh fuh fuhhh I don't uuuuh know of any supreme court uuuuh case I uuuh" really? A child knows these things.
I recently heard the term "green shoots" in the news, too bad its not the economy budding, but outright tyranny.