Monday, July 27, 2009

Where Violence Belongs

"The violence, the guns have to go. Violence belongs inside the ropes. Not outside them. [More]
I'd argue violence belongs nowhere, but if you guys want to beat each others' brains out for money and frothing screamers, I won't stop you.

I guess Promoter Gary Shaw (I think "promoter" means he profits off of others engaging in violence while remaining unscathed himself) hasn't considered how much "violence" is deterred by firearms.

[Via Chris P]


Tom said...

Violence, sure, but opportunism is on the streets, especially within a society that elevates idiots to celebrity. Where their bank accounts are broadcast for all those bred in public schools who live off others money given to them doesn't seem to cut it anymore during these hard times.

I won't go into the materialism of this, (a car) or the stupidity of "chasing down" the criminals, or how when he took off after them it stopped being self defense.

Whatever. I guess it's sad that he died like that, but governments have been killing millions of folks in this manner for centuries.

straightarrow said...

He wasn't shot until after he broke off the chase and turned to go back to his car, after losing sight of the thief. There is something wrong here. If it was about the money in the wallet, he would not have been stopped from leaving. There's something else.

David, some of the best times of my life were spent in the "squared circle". It really is a beautiful sport. The only place I could ever really dance and knew how.

Kent McManigal said...

"Violence" is not the problem; it is the appropriate response to being attacked or stolen from. The problem is initiating violence.