Friday, August 21, 2009

Bonnie Erbe Exemplifies Media Elites' Hatred for Gun Owners

Citizens are children, you see. And children need guardians.

The adults, that is, the government, must keep grown-up things away from them.

For their own good. [More]

Today's Gun Rights Examiner shows how a prominent "Authorized Journalist" relies exclusively on name-calling and lies.

Also learn about a pro-RKBA "filk" music album and get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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1 comment:

Luke (alias "Lines With Chrome") said...

I am convinced that barring a Czech-style "velvet divorce" it's going to come to civil war. I have more in common with a liberty minded person from the other side of the planet -hell, with a little green libertarian from ANOTHER planet- than I do with that crazy bitch and her ilk.