Thursday, September 24, 2009

AZ Governor Candidate Hugh Kealer Volunteers Answers to Gun Rights Questionnaire

The gun rights political questionnaire may be taking on a life of its own. Not only am I get responses to inquiries from an increasing number of races, I have just had a candidate approach me and volunteer answers.

Hugh Kealer is running for governor of Arizona. Here's the Q&A... [More]
Today's second Gun Rights Examiner column marks a first.

Candidates wanting to prove to us how strong they are on RKBA--and making public statements that could be used brought up later--isn't a cure-all. By the same token, it's a pretty good sign.

Tell a friend? Because nobody else is doing this, and look what's been generated so far.

1 comment:

jon said...

heck, i'd volunteer answers, but you could probably guess what they'd be. i'd volunteer to be a state representative, too, only i would not accept any salary, would fire the previous staff, lease the office space, and continue my life as usual at my real job.

got a concern? email me.