Thursday, September 03, 2009

A Big Fan

I'm a big fan of the Second Amendment. [More]
Which is evidently why Ted Rall just urinated all over his keyboard when someone actually exercised the right.

Yeah, Ted, it's all about race hatred. But why didn't you tell your readers what color the guy with the AR is?

And no "goons threaten[ed] to assassinate the President," you liar.

But let's just say the government listens to your fascist dreams and declares us enemy combatants.

Ted, you stupid infant, you irresponsible monster...

How many men like me would you have them kill accomplishing your goal? And what makes you think we'll allow ourselves to be "bundled off to Bagram" quietly?

[Via The Bitter Clinger]


zach said...

I'm getting bad vibes from the criminal gang called government, and their propagandists. I think they want to start something, and I'm not looking forward to it.

Kent McManigal said...

Most "fans" don't blow HOT air.

parabarbarian said...

I don't think Rall is an idiot. I think he knows exactly what he is asking for. The President's life was never threatened by the gun owners in question. What they did and still do threaten is the desperate need for liberals to keep the so-called "debate" on issues such as heath care tightly focused and controlled. The gun toters introduced a wild card by talking about larger principles and how rights are interdependent. To participate in that kind of debate the liberals (and a lot of conservatives) will need to have clearly articulable principles.

Principles are the enemy of a collectivist order. By suspending civil rights for the protesters the debate may be brought back under a control where only approved forms of expression will be allowed. Like a cockroach Rall doesn't want to risk the light.

Anonymous said...

"A weak-minded, eminently suggestible man shot President Kennedy to death"?

But he was perfectly capable of enlisting and serving in the USMC? And learning to speak Russian?

Run, Forest, run!!!

Sean said...

Ah, Ted, you and I should sit down for a nice cup of coffee, in my basement. With a pair of pliers and a blowtorch. To talk. About medieval times.