Sunday, September 20, 2009

IL State Police Self-Defense Advice for Women (Part Two): Resistance is Futile

At one time, the ISP website passed on a rather remarkable bit of information:

"Half of all the women that fire a gun trying to protect themselves shoot someone they do not want to, i.e., friends. neighbors, relatives, etc."

It's remarkable because it's utter, unsubstantiated bull, with no foundation in any study, let alone reality. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column, the second in a series, looks at the Borg collective mentality that is Illinois state government.

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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Also see Part One: IL state police self-defense advice for women: vomit

1 comment:

Crucis said...

Not surprising for Illinois. As a former resident, I know how bad it is to have your morning coffee and doughnuts interrupted with a 911 call.

That's why in some areas, 911 calls go unanswered before 8AM and after midnight.