Monday, September 21, 2009

IL State Police Self-Defense Advice for Women (Part Three): Scream

Which brings us to the final bit of advice they offer for warding off real-world demons:
"Remember that screaming may be just as important to your defense as any weapon."
Yes, by all means, scream. Howl in animal madness as everything human is stripped from you, and the only perceptions you experience are agony and terror. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at the final insult to women from those who enforce their defenselessness.

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

Tell a friend?



Marja said...

I'm a woman, I live in Europe and work as a morning newspaper carrier - which means I work alone, and between about 2 and 6 A.M. Several years ago we had a lecture by a couple of police officers about work safety. One thing they covered was the methods women could use to avoid rape. Which could pretty much be summed up as 'Don't walk alone outside during the night'. Heh. The guy talking even managed to tell us that with a pretty good poker face.

Toastrider said...

You know, I'm almost tempted to put a part time ad in the paper.

'Single and worried? Hire me. Eagle Scout, never had so much as a traffic ticket, will undergo any background check you desire and will supply multiple references.'

'Upon hiring, will escort you everywhere you want to go. 6'5", 300 pounds, willing to use maximum force in your defense and then insist 'the other guy fell down'. Reasonable rates. Call now.'

Yeah, sounds stupid, but it seems almost like what it'd take.