Monday, September 07, 2009

Packing and Flying the Friendly Skies

At the LayerOne 2009 conference, security expert Deviant Ollam gave a talk on the subject of securing your computer equipment and other high-value items in your luggage while flying the friendly skies. His solution: pack a gun in your luggage. [More]
An interesting unintended consequence, to say the least.

The video is here.

If you decide to try it, make sure you read this first. Depending on your destination or other factors, this could result in other unintended consequences.

[Via Carl S]


Unknown said...

Heh - Yeah the airline WILL NOT wish to loose track of luggage containing firearms, and the TSA doesn't want the airline staff getting internal access to luggage containing firearms.

Sounds like good advice - it also keeps the airline industry used to dealing with us pesky 2nd Amendment friendly types as a part of everyday business :-)

Kent McManigal said...

Why anyone would do business with airlines, other than in life-or-death situations, is beyond me. They have made their bed with the feds; let them rot in it.

Anonymous said...

Seconded, Kent. Hertz is getting a lot of my travel money; the airlines get none.