Monday, September 14, 2009

The Truth About Arms Trafficking in Mexico

Don’t believe the gun banning politicians in Washington. [More]
Don't worry, I don't.

Thing is, I don't buy into that "enforce existing gun laws" crap, either. This business about "violent offenders" is cover. They threaten us all, and Fairfax knows it.

I wonder if NRA would be so quick to put their name on that meme if we accurized the terms a bit and made the slogan say "enforce existing citizen disarmament edicts"...?

Also see:


Sean said...

#77. The conversation is liable to dry up. #78. A gun will conclusively decide whether or not you will cooperate with the next gun ban.#79.A gun never gets jealous if it sees you with another gun. #80. Pointing a loaded gun at a rapist/murderer/thief/or one of the aforementioned, disguised as a government official, is very satisfying, rewarding experience, and contributes heartily to "quality of life", and pulling the trigger multiple times only makes the experiene complete. III.

Sean said...

"experience". Aye.III.

Sean said...

Also meant for the next one, The Spirit of 76.