Saturday, October 31, 2009

Another Criminal for Gun Control

Comment by JDmysticDJ:
As a convicted felon, who once lived in a dangerous criminal environment, I can tell you that the only times when I was dangerous, were those times when I was stoned out of my mind, fearful of robbery or attack, and had a gun in my pocket. The guns I had, were purchased lawfully at pawn shops. [More]
But those of us who aren't criminally irresponsible are the delusional adolescents.

I'm sure it hasn't occurred to Einstein here that his defective thought processes may have something to do with his being a loser in life. Who else but a loser would be "just fine" with not being "allowed" his rights?


jon said...

fearful of robbery or attack? well, for one, those are the same thing. and two, good. that's exactly when you ought to be armed.

Anonymous said...


That's assuming this joker is really an ex-con and not some 22 year old sociology major who "understands the plight of the victims of society". They're a laugh a minute until you realize they're serious. Then it's just...sad.


David Codrea said...

I Googled his screen name and he's all over social networks, etc. preaching his anti-defense smears. But you're right--we know he is morally bankrupt and relies on lies, so anything is possible.

Sendarius said...

I am puzzled:

A. "As a convicted felon...."


B. "The guns I had, were purchased lawfully at pawn shops."

Doesn't A preclude B?