Thursday, October 08, 2009

A Family Atmosphere

"This is supposed to be a family atmosphere," said an IPC employee, who asked to remain anonymous. "We got no problem with them coming in. We just don't want them carrying guns. I mean, we don't live in the Wild West, man." [More]
Sounds like just the kind of informed opinion I want making decisions about my safety.

It also sounds like a perfect business opportunity for a restaurateur who's not an idiot to create an atmosphere that respects our right to protect our families.

[Via Mama Liberty]


Anonymous said...

Does this person not have a TV, radio, or read newpapers? Daily we are reminded that our present society is much more dangerous to live in than the Old West. Even a gov't storm trooper on every corner is not going to keep the goblins away. If one will not accept the responsibility for their own personal protection, and the responsibility to protect those around them, they are nothing more than useless cannon fodder. Lord, protect us from such dangerous morons.

Sean said...

The Lord ain't gonna protect you from nuthin'. He gave you a brain and two good hands to do it yourself. Trouble is, not a lot of people want to actually DO something. But it's nice to chat.

MamaLiberty said...

One MORE reason to move to NE Wyoming! The boys and I go out to eat here once in a while, and nobody even blinks to see most of us openly carrying. Just not an issue here.

But then, this IS the "old west." [grin]

Old Easterner said...

Would have been funny, if the guy with the CCW license, left when asked, concealed, and went right back in -- and not answered any questions.

To make a point.

Gregg said...

Here in AZ we have monthly Open Carry dinners. Sadly, thanks to the NRA we can not do such at restaurants that serve alcohol.

Kent McManigal said...

If I were sitting in such a place and saw them refuse to serve "open-carriers" (non-uniformed ones) I would walk out and tell the management exactly why. If you don't welcome guns, you don't welcome me.