Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hail Caesar!

...Barack Obama is the most powerful writer since Julius Caesar... [More]
The parasitic sycophant said it, I believe it, that settles it.

And as we all know, Caesar was proclaimed a god!


Sean said...

If Ozombie is a god, then he is the god of fraud, theft, and worse. Anyone who has no regard for the truth, as he has no regard for it, is destined to become a murderer, and the only thing holding him back is the next "emergency". Like Caeser, he will gladly usher in the empire, at the expense of the Republic, so that there will be "order". Since he is no soldier, not even the armchair type, he will muff the punt, blow the play, and cause the deaths of millions. More like Caligula.

Anonymous said...

Et Tu, San Fran Nan?

Tango Juliet said...

Is that guy in love with Obama or what?

Too bad the American taxpayer gets the bill for Team Obama's progandists, the NEA.

David Codrea said...

I note my comment, entered right after I posted this, is still "awaiting moderation."

Carl Bussjaeger said...

Interesting. He thinks Obama is the greatest thing since a guy who started a civil war, overthrew his Republic to establish a military dictatorship, was declared dictator in perpetuity, and led an aggressive empire. This is a good thing?

These people are creeping me out.

Tom said...

They DO see him as a god. Of course not the same one as I compare him to, Kali.

A rather fitting comparison on sooooo many levels, for instance note the number of hands that can pry into every aspect of your life. "time and change" which in Obombers case mean we only have so long to force change on you. just have a look and decide for yourself.

Crotalus said...

Where is the Enterprise when you need it?!?

"peewedi" is the word. Somehow, it's fitting.

Carl said...

For supposedly educated people, they apparently haven't read many books. But maybe they're just from another dimension.

Anonymous said...

Bommie's commies, that's the reason bommie is there.

sic semper tyrannis

jon said...

"I should pause here to note that that $50 million is one six-thousandth of one percent of the money in the stimulus bill. But more importantly, if you are, say, a musician who through long study and practice and talent has risen to play first violin in a symphony orchestra, please understand that although you have two kids to put through college, you don’t have a real job. Discouraging? Just a little."

good! first be discouraged from that, and then go get a real job.

oh but it's just a teeny, tiny slice of the free candy... we practically deserve it, it's so small!

Chas said...

Give the commies a fast talking socialist huckster from Chi-town and all of a sudden he has the writing talent of Julius Caesar.
Funny how "Julius" can't make up his mind about what to do on Afghanistan, can't fix the economy, and can't get legislation through Congress. But what a writer!

Jselvy said...

Obamus Augustulus; hopefully the last American Caesar.
If he keeps pushing the wrong people it might get ugly.
I don't get it. I have read Caesar's works like Di Bello Gallico and remain unimpressed with his prose. Did they mean that Obamus writes propaganda like Julius?

Crustyrusty said...

That picture reminds me of Revelation 13:15.

Jus' sayin'....

Frederick H Watkins said...

It takes a special kind of moron to elevate others to such imcomprehensible heights. I'm sure Mr. NEA either doesn't know that Mr. Obama's books were ghost written (by Bill Ayers) or chooses not to accept that fact. But that is like so many I have met before, accepting the lies and BS as the truth that supports their idiotic positions.