Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Pittsburgh-Area College Allows Student to Advocate for Concealed Carry on Campus [More]

As the spokesman for Pee Wee's favorite cereal might say: "I pity the fool who tries to stop me."


Tom said...

Victory...isn't this what the prags call it when the created "allows" the creator to do something? Even if it's to just exercise 1st amdt rights that relate to the 2nd.

A step in the right direction, but I wish it wasn't on a battlefield of "their" choosing as courts have all kinds of BS procedure and loopholes you must navigate.

A better victory might include having the leadership of the college looking for new work...in 5 to 10 years when they get out of mandatory citizenship classes and a refresher course on constitutional law.

Oh, wait a minute...maybe this was just an early application of the rollback of incorporation by the court. If the 2nd doesn't apply why should the 1st.

Sean said...

College professors and administrators. Let me check......Yup, right near the top of my shit list. Over in the "Action" column, it says, "room temperature". Back over in the "Reason" column, it says "Allow".

straightarrow said...

Why are these traitorous fools not seeking employment where they get to say "You want fries with that?"

How in the Hell can we tolerate fools paid from public funds to remain employed when they betray that public trust?

I won't entertain any of that "They just want to maintain a safe environment" crap. How about keeping a safe nation where all rights of citizens are observed?

If these people can have graduated from college after having lived their lives in this country and don't know any better, then they are defective and should be institutionalized, preferably in a prison.

I sincerely hope a movement to remove these bastards is under way.

Kevin Wilmeth said...

It feels a little funny to be the one doing this, as I am in no way advocating the "victory" angle for something that should be a no-brainer standard of conduct, but my hat is off to Christine Brashier, whose individual actions appear to be admirable and taken at some risk to herself, and to FIRE, which came to her aid. If that organization wants to toot its own horn with news of its prevailing in a tactical engagement, great. Unlike many of the "victories" claimed by, say, NRA, this one actually had the material result of restoring something meaningful to real people on the ground--the rescinsion of the content-review policy.

As we rightly heap scorn and derision on any entity that would so arrogantly use threat, intimidation and legal obfuscation to exercise illegitimate control over others (especially others over which it legally "represents authority"), let's not forget that people stuck their necks out and used the beast's own stacked-deck system, and actually got something in return for their efforts.

I'll take more of that, any day.

Unknown said...

"Oh, thank you, kind sirs and madams, for the privilege of allowing us our First Amendment Right, granted to us by this auspicious campus of higher education. Please oh please, kind sirs and madams, may be have some more soup too?"

At least it sounds like the brainwashing is going rather well... Now they think its good to be granted constitutional rights.

Anonymous said...


I understand your contempt for those that "allow" constitutional rights.

However, do you not rejoice when another state "allows" concealed carry licenses? I know you would rather have Vermont rules, but hey, at least you don't live in Illinois.

I know that many have grown weary of waiting to be allowed. They stopped asking permission.

Some have even refused to register their guns. Oh, my.

David Codrea said...

"However, do you not rejoice when another state 'allows' concealed carry licenses?"

Nope. For reasons I've stated here for years.

Your last two paragraphs are more like it.

And I resent like hell that such choices with potentially life-destroying consequences are forced on us.

Anonymous said...

"CCAC attorney Mike Adams"

Tell me thois ISN'T the same Mike Adams whose articles I read in Townhall dot com?

B Woodman