Tuesday, November 10, 2009

This Day in History: November 10

With respect to the views of the Navy Board for securing the Frigates. The situation of the Army would not admit of a compliance with them, supposing they would Answer the end. I have therefore written to the Board in the most pressing terms to have the Frigates scutled in such way, that they may be raised when it shall be necessary, and that in the mean time, they may not be liable to injury from floating ice. I see no measure so likely to secure them to us and against the Enemy's attempts. I have been extremely fearful they would have possessed and employed them with the Delaware and their [floating] Batteries on the rear of the Gallies and the Fort, while the Ships below attacked in Front. I need not point out the probable consequences of such an Event, they are too obvious. [More]
Also, in another land and another time, some people who did not have guns were cleaning up broken glass...

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