Monday, December 07, 2009

Call Me Ishmael

Or Ismail. [More]

What's in a name?

Yet more catch-and-release, "Only Ones"-style.

And government is who we want manning out "No Guns for Homegrown Terrorists" watchlist?

Well...yeah, as long as you understand what its real intent is.

[Via William T]


patriot_ohio said...

David, I don't know if you have seen this. Go to page 29 of this report and see whose name is included in people involved in the transition from the Bush Administration to the Zero Administration...

oh look, it is Nidal Hasan.

When you click on this link, you will get a pop-up apology from George Washington University, woefully letting you know that Nidal Hasan was not involved in their University.


Defender said...

Sort of related. The Three-Percenter flag was shown for about 1.25 second on the local CBS news affiliate, at a demonstation in support of two Navy SEALs base in Norfolk, Va. who are accused of "striking a terrorist mastermind" as they captured him.
I hope people will research the flag and rally behind what it means.