Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Failing to Win...

...isn't necessarily the same as losing... [More]


straightarrow said...

Maybe, but failing to realize the seriousness of the fight is the same as losing.

For instance, Hasan's actions "not an Islam inspired terrror attack", failure of a terrorist to adequately explode his underwear is considered a "security success".

We get a "FAIL" on both and more, but because it wasn't as bad as intended by the bad guys, we call it a win? A win is when you destroy the enemy BEFORE he damages you.

Of course, since most of our enemies at present are muslim we dare not pretend that we know this. WHY?

Concerned American said...


I don't give a rat's keester about hajii.

I do care greatly about ways that a few brave, principled folks can stand up against overwhelming odds.

That's the point of the links.

Expand yout thinking.



Tx to David for the link.