Wednesday, December 09, 2009

I Have a Gun...I Will Use It

A Lincoln County woman shot and killed a man who attempted to enter her home. [More]
Compare the reticence and remorse this woman feels in a completely justifiable act of self-defense, compared to, say, the sadistic eagerness of this Sarah Brady Paradise "Only One" who can't wait to stick "an MP-5 into your [child's] face" for playing with a toy.

After firing, I'd be inclined to clam up.

[Via straightarrow, who advises us to note that "help" does not arrive in time...]


jon said...

brave woman!

Matt S said...

Did you notice the following story in the clip? Two teens are held in connection with the stabbing death of another teen.

Obviously the sequence of stories was an oversight. It would seem that having the open carry story first, would prompt the reaction of "the teen couldn't protect himself" in the stabbing story.

I guess we'll take whatever help we can get.(intended or not)