Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year's Gun Rights Resolution: Demand ATF Investigations

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Here's today's resolution suggestion.

Suggested resolutions posted to date:

New Year's gun rights resolution: Attend an Appleseed
New Year's gun rights resolution: Know your representatives
New Year's gun rights resolution: Write letters to the editor
New Year's gun rights resolution: Join a gun rights group
New Year's gun rights resolution: Send a politician the gun rights questionnaire
New Year's gun rights resolution: Build a guns and liberty video collection
New Year's gun rights resolution: Take a new person shooting
New Year's gun rights resolution: Read Second Amendment books

New Year's gun rights resolution: Shoot a machine gun
New Year's gun rights resolution: Support legal efforts to defend 2nd Amendment
New Year's gun rights resolution: Spread the word on Gun Rights Examiner
New Year's gun rights resolution: Go to a gun show
New Year's gun rights resolution: Boycott an anti-gun company
New Year's gun rights resolution: Buy a gun
New Year's gun rights resolution: Spend time with your loved ones
New Year's gun rights resolution: Teach your children about guns
New Year's gun rights resolution: Don't spread unverified internet rumors
New Year's gun rights resolution: Get formal training
New Year's gun rights resolution: Demonstrate for the Second Amendment


fidelity said...

I'm going to do this. Today.

I'm also including the Drug Enforcement Agency - I am an advocate for ending the drug war, and the paramilitary "no-knock" raids associated. Regardless of how your readers might feel about the "war on drugs", any argument that could be made condemning the ATF could be applied to the DEA as well. In my opinion, the DEA is a real and deadly threat to any firearm owner under the age of 30. If someone vaguely looking like the police ever accidentally kick in the wrong door - suppose your front door, without warning - remember not to fight back, or your life is over (and your kids are gone).

"Or it won't do any good? If we're looking for reasons why we won't even make this minimal effort, that's probably true."

Soap box, ballot box...

Mack said...


Careful with your grammar. I think you meant:

Demand Investigations of the ATF

Seems to me the ATF investigates too much as it is. ;)

Anonymous said...

I don't want the AFT investigated. I want the ATF stood up against a wall and shot for gross violations of individual liberty and treason.