Wednesday, December 23, 2009

See, He's Not Really Anti-Gun

He's just anti-freedom. So it's really about restricting your guns, and the purposes under which he'll allow you to possess and use them. [More]

Moro...uh...More on Chuck Fudd...

[Via Mack H]


Mack said...

Schumer says, however, that he favors only common sense and regionally varied restrictions on guns, and he has long bragged of winning, at summer camp, an NRA sharpshooting prize with a .22 rifle.

When Democrats say "common sense" run for your lives.

David Codrea said...

Hey, you know who's an avid target shooter?

Lon Horiuchi!

straightarrow said...

I have to wonder if Dick Cheney has invited him hunting.

Ned said...

I'm still amazed by the comment on the Politico site from the pro-Second Amendment Democrat who believes in gun control.

But he's just for controlling "assault weapons" - not your hunting rifle, shotgun or revolver. Since he didn't answer another post requesting his definition of "assault weapon," here's the anti-self defense definition: "It's an evil black rifle capable of "spraying lotsa bullets," and has a "barrel shroud" you know, "a shoulder thing that goes up" which makes the gun inherently dangerous to everyone - except, of course, the Pohleece, when it's in their capable hands. But at least we can all be assured by these demo-fudds that "no one is going to take your hunting rifle, pistol or shotgun."

Gun control works great, don't it? It's as effective as the "war on some drugs

." Since the government has spent billions on "drug control" drugs have become unavailable. And or course "gun control" has stopped all criminals from using guns. Works great, eh? And if it's illegal and the law does nothing to stop violence amongst criminals, just keep adding laws making stuff more and more illegal. What a grand scheme.

But people "believe" in gun control, because it's so effective. These laws have effectively wiped out all crime in cities like Chicago, Washington D.C. and New York City. The Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy are alive and well.

After reading some of the comments regarding Chuckie's hunting trip on Politico, I now understand why UpChuck Shoomer keeps getting re-elected. Probably too much mercury in the water - too many brain-damaged voters...