Sunday, January 24, 2010

An Attorney's Perspective on Austin Gun Show Dispute

Attorney Paul Velte has sent out an email to his Peaceable Texans for Firearms Rights list that's being circulated among gun owners regarding his investigation into the matter. It's based on his "review of the law and speaking to the promoter and an individual that had his private collection confiscated Saturday."

Some of the highlights... [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column provides the highlights, as well as links to relevant nuisance abatement statutes.

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

Tell a friend?


AvgJoe said...

These people are twisting the laws so they can act as criminals to steal other people's freedoms and rights.
If we had any justice in this country the state's AG and the FBI would do an investigation into people civil rights being abused. If they find out there was than criminal charges need to be filed. If none of this happens than we do not live in a land of laws but a land of abusive government thats go wild. If there are honest men in the system they need to stop and think about what a country they will leave behind for their children if they don't put a stop to criminals hiding behind the badge committing crimes for promotions for greed.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like APD took a page out of the Atf field manual. Where and how did an illegal alien obtain a fake divers license? If APD was using an illegal alien with a known fake license isn't that aiding and abetting a criminal? If not more serious crimes.

straightarrow said...

And if the DL wasn't fake, then Texas must take the blame for allowing an illegal alien to possess a firearm, after all a DL is bona fide proof of identity and assumed to present the person holding it has a right to exercise all constitutional rights as a citizen.

Time for some cops and federal agents to go to jail or worse.

Jerri Lynn Ward said...

We've learned a few more things about this arrest. Apparently, the guy who bought the gun from CB, then went into the parking lot and sold it to the alleged illegal alien.

I'd like to know how the ATF and APD knew that the buyer in the parking lot was an illegal, or how they even had reasonable cause to ask questions of him. We are a sanctuary city and I thought that the policy was not to ask immigration status.

My suspicion is that the APD and ATF were actually creating the conditions behind their claims of "nuisance". I totally agree with Paul's legal analysis of the misuse of this statute.

Anonymous said...

So here's the question for those who attended this show and had first hand knowledge of what was transpiring. Why didn't you go into the show and announce over the PA what was going down???? Did everyone cower in the corner and start pissing their pants???? Can we get past gun owners being nothing more than keyboard cowboys????? You folks stand there and witness this corruption and don't lift one finger to crush it right there???? Why????? The 'authorities' know full well that people will do nothing in the face of being harassed and arrested for no reason. I thought that Texans were very tough people??? That must have been the last generation that I'm thinking of. Maybe the last tough people died at the Alamo??
Here's a thought. How about picking up the weapons on the tables, shove some ammo into them and make the scumbags go away????

Newark, Ohio

Jerri Lynn Ward said...

Texans are doing something about it.

Anonymous said...


Malodorousroadkill said...

I looked up the laws too. You have to be legally country to have a Texas DL. Since 08. This can be fought I think.

W W Woodward said...

Well, I've probably pissed some people off, but I just got tired of seeing all the rocks that were being thrown in Boedecker's direction.

It's a damn sight easier to say what "I would have done" when I wasn't there to have to make the decisions.