Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Austin Police Statement on Banning Private Sales at Texas Gun Shows

I just received this press release from the Austin PD...

In the interest of getting the information out ASAP and making it available to as many as possible, I'm also pasting the pages here as graphics--you should be able to click to enlarge...[More]

This development warranted a second Gun Rights Examiner column. It includes a pdf of the Austin PD presser. Please share this link far and wide via forums, blogs, email lists...to anyone who is interested in this case.


straightarrow said...

all the cures for such are a measured response. Meaured in calibers.

opaww said...

Amen SA

Dedicated_Dad said...

Love how they twist things...

They say "8 arrests" in the past.


Doesn't sound like a huge problem to me?!!


Wouldn't it make better sense for them to have passed out information sheets to help people avoid breaking the law?

Example: "We've had problems in the past with guns being sold to felons and illegals. You may be held liable if you sell a gun to a prohibited person.

It would be best if you had an FFL holder run the NCIC check, however the law does not require this.

We advise you to be very sure of the identity of the purchaser, and to have them fill out the attached form..."

Then attach a form with room for seller and buyer's info, ID, and a "I swear I'm a US citizen, not a convicted felon, and know of no reason why I should not be allowed to buy a firearm." type statement.

For a seller to ask to see and copy ID would be enough for most criminals to turn tail and run.

Education - not tyranny.


PeaceablyGuy said...

Whatever happened to "paying one's debt to society"? Are you not aware how unbelievably easy it is to break a so-called felony law today, often over matters the government has no lawful authority in?

For example, Jim Bob finished serving his year-plus time over a plea bargain for some white-collar mishap after seeing how many lies were slung around by the authoritahs - he's now supposed to be a legally mandated victim for the rest of his life?

For that matter, should even a person convicted of manslaughter or murder, once the punishment society dictated is complete, be legally rendered defenseless after they've become a "free man" once more?

Longbow said...

You mean to tell me...

quote: "While the sale of firearms between private citizens is not illegal, the anonymity of these sales in or around the event created an easy avenue for illegal
immigrants or convicted felons to acquire firearms."

...that illegal aliens and convicted felons aren't obeying your stupid gun control laws!?!?!???

Shazamm!! Well hell, the obvious thing to do is to crack down on all those law abiding folks who DIDN'T DO IT!

The obvious answer is to force every law abiding citizen to beg permission from a Federal GOON before he permitted to exercise his "freedom".

Now THAT will stop bad people from behaving badly!

PrepperMom said...

DO you know the difference between humility and humiliation.

Having to ask to do what you should be free to do.

Punish to law abiding to punish the non abiding. Real intelligent thinking there.

Sean said...

First they let the border become irrelevant and illegals, including a lot of criminals, pour in. Then they claim they have to crack down on illegals buying weapons, but in the same breath, try to give them amnesty, drivers licenses, welfare checks, sanctuary cities, motor voter registration, and subsidies to college that natives can't have. But we need our private property sales to each other stopped because WE might do something wrong. Am I missing something or are the mentally deranged riding a rabies horse over what used to be a fine country?

Anonymous said...

Nuisance abatement law trumps all? Looks like we have some abusive policies and practices in play here.