Saturday, January 16, 2010

Where is NRA on New Hampshire Gun Bill?

NRA is generally recognized as the leading gun lobby group. I don't think it's asking too much to expect them to show some leadership here and fill us in on where they stand and what they're doing. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column wonders about an apparent absence from the field...

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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Pat H said...

I suspect the NRA is the same place it was in 1934, 1968, and 1986 and that place is trying to figure out a way for gun control to remain in place and then tell folks what a great job they're doing.

I'm a life member, but when it comes time to donate money to support self defense rights, the NRA does not get a dime of it.

JokersWild said...

I too am a lifetime member. I jumped on board when the opportunity came along to do it for $300. This was before I became an avid reader of David and Mike. I bought the party line about supporting the NRA from no less than Tom Gresham. While I hold no ill will against him and continue to listen to his show I realize now that I would have been better served using that money to buy a case of 5.56 instead of a lifetime membership with a group that sells out its members while at the same time claiming they're doing them justice. This year I'm going to support GOA and JPFO, two groups that aren't about playing nice while compromising on issues where there should be no compromise.

straightarrow said...

Where are they? Did you really ask that. You KNOW where they are. In the shadows, waiting and watching to see how it will all shake out. If the bill has no chance of passing the NRA will trumpet their incremental surrender approach and "access" as justification for their not taking part.

If the bill is going to pass and the dimwits at NRA are smart enough to recognize that dynamic, then they will join at the last minute after all the heavy lifting has been done and claim credit, without a mention of the people who actually accomplished something.

How many times do we need to see this before we realize this is the modus operandi?

Ken said...

They're where the GOP is on Scott Brown -- hiding under the desk, waiting for the annoying people to go away so they can get back to the cocktail party circuit.