Monday, February 01, 2010

But We're Different

Oh you think that, do you...? [Read]


jon said...

i don't accept the old socialist's premise (canard) that "liberalism" can ever refer to socialism -- in the 1920s, you were either liberal or socialist. today, it might be more appropriate to say that you are either individualist or collectivist, respectively.

today, a 1920s liberal would be called a "right-wing terrorist" and perhaps also "racist." yet, they were fiercely libertarian. far more individualist than the oft-pathetic cato institute "scholars."

Sean said...

Not at all. But, the difference being, it hasn't HAPPENED yet. When the opposition has it's chance, then we'll see. Rumors of freedoms demise have been greatly exagerrated. Besides, I'm sick of this running, and waitn'see crap. It's always when it's Sunday morning, and all is calm when..........