Friday, February 19, 2010

An Imminent Threat... Iowa...[Read]

Sure to spread out if it succeeds there...


Sean said...

Nice. Set us at each others' throats in order to keep our eyes off of them. Bureaucrats. Is there anything they can't fook up?

straightarrow said...

Just before I read this, I had remarked to my wife that "They really have become an occupying army, haven't they? The policing agencies. And you can't use any legal means to hold them to the law. Don't these dumb sonsofbitches know that only leaves one response?"

Then I read this and think maybe the area of response should be expanded to encompass their command structure also.

The system isn't broken, it's been discarded. It is time we re-established it.

Divemedic said...

Nothing new. This has been the law in Florida for years. Domestic violence restraining orders are a routine tactic of divorce attorneys and ticked off women.

sofa said...

Iowa State Motto: "Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain."

How nice.

Kent McManigal said...

In one of my divorces, my wife refused to fill out the "standard restraining order" since she knew I was no danger to her. Her lawyer had a conniption. The next divorce, that wife lied to get a restraining order. Even the sheriff knew she was lying (she made the mistake of spouting off right in front of him as her lawyer actually tried to cover her mouth with his hand), yet it stayed in effect for however long it was supposed to be in effect.