Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Matter of Choice

I fear too many have already made the wrong one.

Read this.

That Vanderboegh--he's one hell of a writer, isn't he?


anhourofwolves said...

When a policeman pulls over a driver whose computer record shows not only the driver’s license of the vehicle’s owner, but the fact that they have a concealed carry permit, it is too often SOP for the cop to approach the vehicle, gun drawn, order the man or woman from the car, put them on their knees and cuff them before anything else transpires. These are not the acts of public servants but rather of an occupying army.

THAT hit the nail on the head. A tour de force, well penned Mr. VDB

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Cool to see that JPFO has picked this up. JPFO and Mike Vanderboegh together--that's one stop shopping for liberty.

jon said...

he sure is. boy, i was just reading absolved the other day from cover to cov-- ah dammit

jon said...

by the way did you happen to be referring to the cold remains of what began with a passionate start? and that will be all from me, then.

Sean said...

Yep, great writer. Masterful expression of the American Mind. But somebody answer me this question. Are we supposed to do fookin' nuthin forever, or are we just waiting around til it's all gone?