Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Stop or I'll Tape!

City Council president Michael Ross plans to file an order before the council today that would require all convenience stores in Boston to install security cameras. [More]
Gee, Michael, where were you with this great solution when Lance Thomas needed you?

[Via Ed M]


Ed said...

After seeing many videos of robberies on the local news and seeing this article, the Don Henley song "Dirty Laundry" keeps replaying in my head.

Anonymous said...

This camera thing reminds me of all those red light intersection cameras becoming so popular in the nation. Now all the politicians have to do is pass a ID law requiring everyone to walk around with a mandatory license plate hung around their necks (front and back) and the robber can just get a citation or notice to appear in court mailed to them. Then everything will be just peachy!

I wonder if Mr Ross has a relative in the security camera business?

bob r said...

"Now all the politicians have to do is pass a ID law requiring everyone to walk around with a mandatory license plate hung around their necks (front and back) and the robber can just get a citation or notice to appear in court mailed to them."

They are working on a variation: the picture on the driving "license" is being digitized for use with facial recognition software. Slowly but surly the noose is being put in place.

Anonymous said...

"As police continue to investigate Sunday’s shooting, city officials expressed outrage with the brazenness of the robbers."

And yet they are not outraged that they have passed laws effectively mandating that victims be helpless in the face of such outrageous aggression.

What's wrong with this picture?