Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Sunday Visitor

Sorry--I don't want to know badly enough to click on that link.

I'll assume it's BATFU again, perhaps the chief counsel's office getting in a little weekend overtime...


MIguel said...

Living in Babylon

* Location: NewDunwich : Indiana : United States

About Me

I'm a freak who runs with a tribe of freaks. Nearly everything I do, I make look unhealthy. I hated the encroachment of Federal Government before it was cool, and long before there was a black figurehead to hate.

Talie said...

Check this out from his blog:

Worth Reading, I Promise

The War on Guns
A Sunday Visitor
4 hours ago
View From The Porch
Overheard in the Office:
5 hours ago
John Lott's Website
'Climategate' Phil Jones interviewed by BBC
15 hours ago
Sipsey Street Irregulars
Internet down at home, slow posting ahead.
1 day ago
Atheist with a Gun
Prepare for Martial law; Go to Jail.
2 days ago
The SigBoy Chronicles
MA vs. CA, Round 1
3 days ago
I Hate It Here
Ten Years After
3 days ago
De-Domesticating the Modern Male
Only Slightly Better than Furries
3 days ago
Prelude To Redemption...
The importance of encouragement and focus
2 weeks ago
Mystically Intoxicating
3 weeks ago
Overblown Stories Inc.
The Perfect Shitstorm - Day 1
5 weeks ago
Wind that Moves the Barley
What is everyone babbling about?
2 months ago
Bloggy Kong
The most interesting man in the world.
6 months ago

Living in Babylon said...

Come on, Dave, I got a 1300 on my SAT and I've never lost my gun in a public bathroom; if I'm an informant you'd think I'd at least rate FBI.

Peter said...

This guy had a posting bashing in part the tea party because they were all getting rich under BushCo and 'suddenly' rediscovered the Constitution because of Obama.

Then he lurched off into some kind of reeducation camps for gays if/when there was some sort of revolution, because the tea party is sure to be suborned by the neocons. Yes, neocons.

You can't help who wanders over for a look-see, David.

David Codrea said...

Everyone, please--of course I knew it wasn't ATF Chief Counsel's office visiting--I was joking and using this as an excuse to take a dig at them because the name seemed so appropriate. But, no, I didn't check it out, because candidly, the url of the blog made me hesitant to click over--worried it might be a shock site or the like.

After Talie's endorsement I went on over and checked it out.