Wednesday, February 17, 2010

We're the Only Ones Showing Off Enough

Authorities show off security system in Tampa [More]
And yeah, I know "Authorized Journalist" police state cheerleader Howard Altman tells us it's for "drug dealers, smugglers and terrorists," like arranging their own ride to do their secretive business is beyond them, but we all know who is most likely to be intimidated.
"We want people to know we are here...We want the traveling public to get a sense of security, to know we are here."
We want you to know that we can subject you to whatever we want any time we want.

We want you to know we're the "Only Ones"--and you're not.

And the fed tells us his activities aren't "threat driven."

Say, I wonder--has Greyhound started issuing safety guarantees yet?

[Via Ed M]


Sean said...

I get a sense of something allright, and it ain't security.

Temnota said...

I, for one, am happy those brave defenders of the public safety are on the job. Can you imagine the damage a terrorist could do driving a bus, or worse yet, a train, into an office building? Oh, the humanity.....