Monday, March 15, 2010

Damned American Gun Shows

Gangs blamed for killing 3 with US consulate tie [More]
US consulate? Hillary's domain?

Perhaps we can make lemonade out of lemons...

[Via Ed M]


AvgJoe said...

Seems the governments on both sides wanted a war, a war on drugs and now they have one. This war on drugs is going to keep growing and growing and so far in Mexico alone its cost over 18,000 lives from 2006 when the current president of Mexico kicked the war up a few notches.
There is going to be one way to win this war and only one way. That is to make most of these drugs legal and tax the hell out of them. And no the people are not going to be flocking to get high. If pot was legal tomorrow I wouldn't dream of trying that stuff and thats how most everyone I know feels. So for the time being we are going to see the body count keep going up, up, up. They wanted a war and now they have one. Never mind all the destroyed lives that go along with it.

Kent McManigal said...

If pot were made legal and taxed, I would encourage everyone to still use "illegal" tax-free pot. The LAST thing America needs is more money going to the thugs of government... from any source.

AvgJoe said...

State government not federal government. Most of all the things you get from government come from the local, county or state government, little if anything comes from the federal government for productive folks. If you drink booze do you buy illegal booze? If you do you're supporting ATF, LOL!

Kent McManigal said...

I don't drink, but if I did I'd distill my own. State and local governments are no better than the feds, and are actually the greater danger since they are close enough to be a credible threat to your liberty on an hourly basis. I "get" nothing from government that is not forced upon me by a monopoly. I can do without their "gifts".

straightarrow said...

there is another way. But, it is unacceptable to most people as long as it's only "those other people" who are killed.

No mercy, no quarter, no stopping until all are dead. Drug gangs and crooked cops. Would take a military invasion. Which begs the question, so What? They have been invading us for decades.

What nobody understands is now that the criminal infrastructure is in place, legalizing drugs won't lessen the crime rate, including murder. In fact, murders may increase as competition increases for a constricting marketplace in protection rackets, gambling, prostitution, and other illegal activities.

Whole empires are built on traffic in illicit drugs. The emperors of these empires will adapt their talents to other illegal pursuits rather than go out of business. DUH!

Did the Mafia go away because prohibition was repealed? Won't be any different in Mexico.

If we mean it when we say we won't tolerate it, we will invade Mexico and kill every bad actor we can find, in and out of government. If we do less, then we don't really mean it. Which isn't surprising, too much money going to the people who could do something, if they would.