Saturday, March 20, 2010

An Empty Ruling

A federal judge has ruled that Tarrant County College violated the First Amendment rights of two students when it prohibited their attempts to stage empty-holster protests last fall. [More]
A judge worth his oath of office would rule their Second Amendment rights violated if anyone in an official capacity tried to prevent them from staging a full-holster protest.

[Via David R]


Matt S said...

I must respectfully disagree. It would not be a Second Amendment violation because there were no arms of any kind involved. I think that sort of ruling would come from the same place as those who see holsters as a threat because both would be thinking of a holster as a weapon itself or as the object of the 2nd Amendment, neither of which is correct.

I think for the judge to bypass addressing holsters as weapons or as something protected under the 2nd Amendment, he essentially removed any credence of argument from the school. Similar to saying, "2nd amendment? That's stupid, they're obviously not guns, so we'll make this about free speech."

I may be giving the judge too much credit, but that was my impression of the story.

David Codrea said...

Please read what I wrote again.