Monday, March 08, 2010

Is A Puzzlement

Why anyone would need a gun in a national park, where rangers themselves are unarmed, is a puzzle...[More]
It's not a very hard one to solve, though. Assuming you're intellectually honest and not inclined to present your arguments using "Yogi Bear" cartoon ridicule as your starting point.


Anonymous said...

Riddle me this...
Of all places, tromping alone through the woods far from help and cell phone towers in a place teeming with armed pot farmers, the occasional meth head or rapist and potentionally aggressive bears, cougars, wolves, snakes and rapid bunnies; why would anyone need a gun?

wl moses

Kent McManigal said...

Personally, I feel safer in the woods than in a city no matter whether I am armed or nor. BUT... if the excuses quoted are real reasons that we don't need to be armed in the forest, then the same arguement shows why we DO need to be armed in a city. The antis can't have it both ways.

The truth of the matter is, has always been, and shall remain, that dangers can pop up unexpectedly anywhere and a fully responsible human will make preparations to deal with that eventuality no matter who tries to "reason" them out of it.

No one who tries to keep you disarmed EVER does it for your sake, but instead so that you will be unable to resist, as effectively, when they try to do things to you that you would resist if you were armed. Only a mortal enemy wants you disarmed anywhere for any reason.

Ed said...

Q. Why should you carry a weapon in a national park or forest?
A. Beside dealing with organisms that may want to place you lower on the food chain, to defend yourself from the armed, irritated illegal immigrants massively cultivating marijuana that you may encounter.