Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Missing the Point

Great people aren't ruled. [Read]

Good ol' Jesse Jackson. Can't you just feel the love?


CarlS said...

I find it encouraging that as of now (March 10th 10:32 Central), all of the comments are positive for gun ownership.

Duane Suddeth said...

I couldn't get past the second paragraph without throwing up in my mouth a little.

John B said...

WW Woodward on daughter's computer:

If "Jesse poor-black-me, the Mouth" honestly believes government shouldn't be run by guns he should be in the front lines in the attempt to convince the Chicago PD and his buddy Daley's guard to disarm. That'll fly like a cast iron Zepplin.


Gaviota said...

"We undervalue the power of nonviolence."

The "POWER" of non-violence?

Is that like "jumbo shrimp" or "slightly dead?"

If Jesse spoke English instead of ebonics, he might be able to grasp the dictionary definition of oxymoron.

OXYgen thieving MORON.