Thursday, March 25, 2010

We're the Only Ones Key to Your Security Enough

It's a novel program designed to improve the safety of senior citizens in New Jersey.

The program would allow police quick access into a home to help anyone having a medical emergency – without having the break down the door. [More]
I see. And I'm sure it comes with a waiver of sorts that if they happen to see anything you might have on hand to provide security for yourself that they'll turn a blind eye?

The cynic in me wonders if any resulting thefts when the house is empty will be accompanied by intentional damage to make things look like there was a forced entry...

But perhaps I'm too harsh. If you can't trust New Jersey "Only Ones," who can you trust?


DJK said...

Don't "first responders" already have the right under exigent circumstances to enter private property?

MamaLiberty said...

Operation Blue Angel is funded completely by money seized during drug busts. While the program is intended for people with medical conditions or those 55 or older, anyone can sign up.

Who are they trying to kid? It is funded with stolen money, like everything else they do.

Whatever happened to knowing your neighbors and having families care for their own elderly?

And I'll just bet the cops will be tickled to add this to their work load. Let's see... who do we attend to first... the "check on the welfare" calls or the armed robbery down the street. Maybe the shop keepers better stock up on their own protection tools.

Oh, I forgot - it's New Jersey and that probably is "against the law."