Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Cruelest Month

So much concentrated bedwetting in just one column. But how can you argue with the "solutions" offered by someone who says this with a straight face?
"Mayor Bloomberg is a visionary against gun violence, and acts of youth violence and murder are up, so they are holding these meetings in each borough," Cruz said.
That must explain the uptick. Or maybe she just doesn't want to get voted off the island?

Yeah, we'll be getting answers from this satisfied Rapex customer real soon.

Great coverage, "Authorized Journalist" Patrice O'Shaughnessy! One would never know there might be a different option!

And forget using "ph" instead of "f," even though your own archive spells the name of a fellow national socialist correctly. We pay you to churn out propaganda, so no points get taken away for inaccuracy--matter of fact, it's quite the opposite as far as The Daily News is concerned.

1 comment:

Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me) said...

Man the lifeboats! A yellow flood is coming! It could be yellow journalism, or...

Good Heavens! What drivel! I suppose this twit thinks that April 1775 was also cruel.