Monday, April 05, 2010

You Got Nothin', Paul Helmke

Nothin' but insults, and conflation. [Read]

And the thing is, you know it.

Do you listen to yourself?

Jeez, now it's not just OKC we "zealots" are celebrating, but somehow John Wilkes Booth and Virginia Tech are stirred into the mix you're trying to tar us with?
Too many in our country are fueled by hatred, resentment and guns.
Stop with your hatred, resentment and unhealthy fixation on our guns and your problem solves itself...


Ed said...

It is interesting that so far four comments have been left to Helmke's article. None of the four agree with him.

Frederick H Watkins said...

Of course he avoids altogether the countless hundreds of thousands of times a violent act is stopped by a person with a firearm each year.

W W Woodward said...

Helmke, while wallowing in the victims’ blood, overlooks the fact that not one person who was involved as a shooter in a single shooting incident on his list was prevented from committing his murders by Brady checks or by state and federal laws. He did mention one incident and failed to mention another that could have been prevented by the Constitution had the involved government agencies had the foresight to remind themselves of their duty to the We The People.

As long as we have people and government agencies who care little or nothing about law and their fellow humans we’re going to see criminal homicides committed by people utilizing whatever weapon that may be available at the time.