Monday, May 17, 2010

Small But Passionate

She agreed with Spangler that NRA members might find more common ground – on "the right to own a weapon and reasonable restrictions on that right" -- with more education. [More]
Define "common ground." Shall we see what one of the supporters says?
"I just hate guns," she said. "Scared of them; don't need them."
Right. That's what this crowd considers "reasonable."


Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me) said...

"Reasonable restrictions" are nothing more than infringements, which the 2A specifically forbids being used against itself. Not to mention that the only people who these "reasonable restrictions" work against are the very people who are not a danger in the first place.

But, hey! Keep infringing, and you just may turn enough of us into "dangerous people", and get that war for which you so desperately hope.

zach said...

"I just hate guns," she said. "Scared of them; don't need them."

Just one appleseed, and most of these people would change their opinion.

Kent McManigal said...

If it's a restriction, it ain't reasonable. I guess the taterheads have a hard time comprehending that.

straightarrow said...

Jesus! How much more "reasonable" can the NRA get? They write gun control laws, then lobby for them and this year held their convention where guns are banned.

Isn't that "reasonable" enough?

Unreasonable reasonableness seems to be their long suit.