Saturday, June 19, 2010

Anti-Gun Assembly Member Travels with Armed Security Escort

She's got hers and intends to keep it that way...[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at an elitist hypocrite.

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Defender said...

So this Saldana implies that WE, not criminals, are the threat since she started speaking out against the gun rights CA residents have left?
I worry for the state of logical and critical thinking in our society.
Just attended my granddaughter's high school graduation.

"No weapons.
All persons and belongings subject to search."

We were wanded before being allowed into the venue, a university indoor stadium.
The irony: It was Patrick Henry High.
Give me liberty, or give me a minute to secure my gun and pocketknife in my trunk...?
Further irony: posted notices from the university police warning that your GPS could be stolen not only if it's visible in your car in THEIR deck, but if thieves see suction cup marks where your GPS normally hangs. They suggest keeping wet wipes to remove telltale suction cup marks so your car won't be broken into and searched (probably).

Dennis308 said...

More of the ¨Only Ones¨ mentality.´


Dakota said...

Typical bureaucrat .... worries about the things that don't matter, mainly her safety.

It is OK for her to be protected by arms but it is not Ok for the citizenry to protect itself.

Given that we have our borders being invaded by criminals and terrorists from all over the world. Then we factor in that the politicals are to blame for it and make sure they are safe .... well it just pisses you off more don't it.

Defender said...

Hmm. Four people were killed and others wounded in a taco restaurant in California over the weekend.
Someone was avoiding the social and legal stigma of being armed, and someone didn't give a sh--. The killer.

Ace said...

I was at that debate and finally got to hear anti-gunners live and in person. Completely out of touch with reality. At one point, Saldana mentioned she appreciated learning all the facts from both sides of the issue. But in response to an earlier point by one of the other panelists, Saldana said she was not familiar with a quoted study demonstrating the effectiveness of defensive gun use, particularly in instances where simply presenting the gun by an armed citizen prevented a violent assault.
